Sarah-Jane Plaskett

This is a recode ONLY for YOU if you have tried EVERYTHING to STOP BEING FAT!

This is ONLY for the person that is COMPLETELY ready to tackle this area of their life once and for all. Taking the bull by the horns, fight the final fight and run directly towards SUCCESS and WIN (without any running required)

It's time to live your best life, with your best self, in complete control and free from all the subimilnal brainwashing forced upon us invoulentrality unbeknowingly fed to us by the diet industry so that you CAN finally feel comfy confident and care free

Ready to Jumpstart Your Journey? Transform Your Life in Just 6 Months!

Are you tired of struggling with weight issues, feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle? It’s time to break free and embrace a happier, healthier you. Welcome to the ultimate transformation experience, where I will be your personal guide, supporting you every step of the way.

Unlock the secrets to effortless weight loss and regain control of your life. In this exclusive 6-month journey, you’ll receive unparalleled support, tailored guidance, and a whole lot of fun!

Why Choose my ultimate TRANCEFORMATIONAL Mastermind?

Complete Clarity

Gain a deep understanding of how to eat, think, and behave around food. You’ll learn powerful techniques to drown out the noise of temptations and embrace a healthier relationship with food.

Unleash Your Potential

Experience the synergy of personal training and therapy. This exclusive program combines my 20 years of hypnotherapy expertise with comprehensive support to help you unlock your true potential.

No More Weight Worries

Bid farewell to weight-related health issues and regain control over your well-being. With the ULTIMATE TRANCEFORM, you’ll learn sustainable strategies to keep the weight off and lead a happier, healthier life.

When I say READY, I mean;

You have been unable to lose weight and keep it off?​

You 'yo-yo' and can't stand the thought of a 'no-no'

You seem to have tried so many ways, yet you just resort back into your old same unhappy ways anyway and absolutely nothing changes.

You lose a few lb's here and there and then by the time you have shared the news you have put it straight back on, plus a bit more.

Nothing seems to work

You feel so low about this area of your life, cutting 'the diet' seems to be the norm for you.

On or off a 'diet' you still feel emotionally challenged and unhappy with the way you behave.

You know you need to change, but you still haven't

You tell yourself the same thing day after day, week after week, month after month, but yet you still feel like this... perhaps worse

You think you might need a good talking to, or 'something' to help you recognise another part of you does in-fact need and want to change, then you must address this.

You are bored of dieting, bored of not knowing, bored of craving the next thing

You want desperately to finally get expert help and understand that the more you put in, the more you get out! But, importantly STOP trying this alone and in the dark.

You want to wake up and smile, knowing you 'saw the light' and did it!

You crave the feeling of contemptment and effortlessly still being able to slide into a pair of sexy skinny jeans without wondering about how to arrange yourself. All the lumps, bumps and handles, making sure they are tucked into all the right places.

Escaping and abandoning 'the BIG knickers'

You ache for the feeling of satisfaction as you look in the mirror at the fittest and slimmest, most glowing, radiant self looks back! Tight trim and untied from the diet treadmill

You know you are ready when every part of you feels with a big deep breath that it is intuitively right, from the gut as in instinct and knowing, it's time... because as humans (running a bad program) we could talk ourselves into 'another time' isn't that what took all this time and got us in this mess in the first place!

I remember so clearly what it felt like to wake up and still be and feel fat.

I remember in great detail how utterly miserable I felt on the inside no matter how much I smiled and laughed on the outside.

I remember the intense pain of staying absolutely completely STUCK and thinking so obsessively about being overweight. 

I remember the moment I stopped, I also remember the night I took off my bra and my boobs were covered in melted chocolate as it had been falling into my blouse as I was  unknowingly simply shoving it in.

I remember eating too much, drinking too much, settling for all the wrong convenient stuff, feeling furious that I let myself down again and repeating the exact same behaviour anyway, over and over, time after time.

I remember some days not wanting to get up at all.
If you have felt like that I hear you, it can be a scary place to be. Confused, frustrated, lonely, unhappy and unhealthy.  Not knowing what to do or who to turn to.  

It’s not your fault… 

There is a way, it worked for me and it WILL work for you! And one of the best things about the recode is that you select all the parts of the program that suit you so that you do literally get to change your own life, easily, effortlessly, quickly, pain free, purposely and permanently. 

Once recoded,

There is no need to look back, it's onwards and upwards (whilst downsizing) second nature becomes your plan of attack, your weight reducing successfully, shape shifting, changing, hour by hour, day by day. Free from old habits and ready for the future, full of life, full of energy & full of happy. Proud, comfortable, satisfied being and totally care free.

The way you brain has been moulded isn't your fault,

I don't blame you, please stop blaming yourself too. Lets make this simple, and untangle you from the madness that leaves food addicts salivating and begging for more... Feeling like the safest, warmest hug whilst falling out of love, being liberated, empowered, finally happy.

Why I am offering this;

Full Transparency… This reprogram WILL work for you providing you are ready to fully commit to life long adjustment to NOT be the way you are now. It will not work (if you mess yourself around) if you are not invested and don’t have some real skin in the game. Why would it, if you can’t be bothered to put the effort into yourself and WHO you want to be.

You have to BE who you want to BE, from now, from today 100%

This recode WILL successfully if you quit the excuses and show up and look after YOURSELF efficiently and effectively without wasting more of your valuable time and energy.

Let me show you what the solution actually looks like, and how I plan to work with you throughout your deep routed tranceformation.

Seven Masterminded Simple Strategic Steps to Successful recovery.


First off, lets get our heads together on a call to discover ~ the ins and the outs, the where's and the whys and everything sandwiched in-between. Lets book our next session where we get to...


This is our opportunity to get our heads together and find out what there is to know about you and your journey, we can investigate and recalibrate over cake while we sit sip and celebrate with champagne at an iconic suitable venue, relax and take everything in understanding what's ahead, what exciting times are ahead.

Splash Out

Let's shop till we drop (more weight) maybe buy that belt and watch the notches go down, lets choose the outfit that you have always dreamt of wearing and making this all of your absolute reality. we will head out or online to pick up those 'must have' that will make everything you wear pop as you shine out as the new you. As you step out, step and stand out as the new you exactly the way you want to be... And have no fear. you can stay this way permanently.
✅ Buy those skinny jeans 
✅ Buy the tight white clothes that fat people shouldn't wear
✅ Wear what you like unapologetically, sexily for you.
Do it and feel the happiest you have ever felt.


Here we explore how you eat, what you do and how you do it, lets get involved in checking out your kitchen, how it runs or doesn't. I will give you hints, tips or a complete overhaul, whatever you want to choose, a shopping list of what to buy of stable for you new way of life, Staple items to fill you up in your new way of life.


Here I get to join you & help you navigate the supermarket slog and transition this into super success
✅ Where and what to avoid 
✅ What NOT to buy 
Expose how they brainwash and influence you 
I will show you the red flags and the no n0's but also most importantly all the amazing stuff you can feast on in-between. This trip will re-program you for life, equipping you will all you need to know to survive the manufacturing diet, allowing you to stand taller, stronger and conquer... not fall

Show Off

It's photo shoot time! Time to show off all of your hard work, revealing how well you have done and how much you have completely tranceformed.
Let's completely pamper you and liberate you, relax, sit back, have a glass of something whilst you enjoy some beutiting with a well deserved make over treat to enhance every aspect of your new found genuine happy face. Let's exenterate you and it, and enjoy living as your best self. No fear, no shame. Just proud of who you have become, unapologetically for you finally. 

Get ready to feel amazing as you step out into the spotlight of your own life in your sexiest slimmest self showing yourself and whoever else you choose to show this new improved sassier sexier, slimmer, happier healthier you, work those poses and enjoy every second knowing that you can treasure these moments captured on camera forever and ever... We will have so much fun dressing yup and showing off and getting the best smiles and laughs. 


Time to head out again for dinner to celebrate how far we have come and to show you how you can successfully manage being 'out out' as your new in complete control self.

✅Knowingly & Confidently knowing how to choose from the menu

✅Casually instinctively what feels right

✅ Cleverly knowing how to handle other peoples behaviour around food while you are out

✅ Confidently having a program in place to allow you to always thoroughly enjoy the evening or the event regardless of food or your relationship towards it.

✅ Cunningly ACING everything to do with what you have learned, and proving you now run a 'better different program', and you are fired up on all cylinders for future better success!!!! ~ Quite possibly the most eye-opening celebratory date you will go on (and it will be with me) at this point our incredible 6 month period will be coming to and end BUT you WILL be completely 'in the know' of how to take charge of your life, your habits and relationship with and towards food. Food will no longer control you, you will enjoyably control it. 

Welcome to my world my friend, I absolutely can't weight to get started! 

What's Included?

Full Support: Experience a level of support like never before. I’ll be by your side, providing the motivation, inspiration, and encouragement you need to stay on track.

Weekly Text/Messenger Support: Need a boost of motivation or guidance between sessions? I’m just a message away! Get personalized tips, strategies, and answers to your burning questions.

Weekly One-to-One Sessions: Together, we’ll measure your progress, celebrate your successes, and identify areas for growth. These sessions are your dedicated time to address your specific challenges and propel your transformation forward.

Photo Shoot: Capture your incredible progress with a professional photo shoot. See the physical changes and milestones you’ve achieved, and celebrate the amazing transformation you’re making.

Belt Shopping Spree: As you reach your goals, it’s time to reward yourself! Enjoy a shopping spree for a new, sexy belt that represents your success. Feel confident and empowered as you wear your progress around your waist.

Indulge in Culinary Excellence: Embark on a culinary adventure with a luxurious meal at a high-end restaurant. Whether it’s The Ivy in London or a similar calibre restaurant in Manchester, savour the experience while I guide you through making healthy choices.

Book Your Discovery Call Today:

Are you ready to take the leap towards the life you've always dreamed of? Schedule your complimentary discovery call now! Let's discuss your unique goals and determine if the ULTIMATE TRANCEFORM program is the perfect fit for you.

Don't wait any longer to invest in yourself. Say goodbye to endless weight struggles and hello to a transformed future. It's time to embrace authenticity and reshape your story.

To take a TRANCEFORMATIONAL seat on our program

The investment is £7k. The sessions will be shared with all group members, however the groups will remain small but deeply supportive enabling you to create life long connections while simultaneously on your Journeys to success and satisfaction. to take an exclusive TRANCEFORMATIONAL  1-1 seat with all the attention and clarity on YOU, the investment is £7k.

I'm not interested in people wasting time.

Amazing humans are in need of valuable expert help and my time and resources are limited as I only have the opportunity to work with a dedicated select number.

You will receive access to an app so that you can have me, your little pocket rocket therapist YES right there in your pocket to keep you heading in the best directions for you motivate focused and happy. I’m not interested working with anyone who thinks they DON’T have to change. IT WILL be inevitable. How you difficult you make this process is up to you, I am more invested in you achieving your goals in the easiest and most direct way possible.

You must prepared to take advice, action and assess your attitude towards food! You must be ready to let it go, separate, and STOP enabling it to hold you back and keep you down. (and out of the clothes you want to be in)

I’m not interested in working with anyone who feels that there is more benefit to staying overweight and unhealthy, if that’s your case this recode is not for you.

Which are you?

Be amazed at how different life is when you lose those heavy shackles, set yourself totally and finally free forever.