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‘I CAN’ Heal

Sarah-Jane Plaskett




This course is NEW although its principles are ancient and include some the teachings and reiki principles of Mikao Usui and his students…

It is now possible to help teach, guide and support you from the comfort of your sofa or armchair… I wasn’t sure it was possible… so I tested it… and IT IS!!!

So, I developed a programme that is the EASIEST & MOST RELAXING, HYPNOTIC way to journey and navigate this incredible transformative process… And Thankfully This process WILL NOT cost you the earth either…

I was fully immersed into the the world of energy healing back in the 1990’s by some extremely strong, brave, healthy & independent women in our family, who, over the years attuned and developed me in preparation for all of the challenges I have faced which in turn has led me to be the strong character I am today! Once I had opened the channel, would never be the same again! I could be well, be pain free, be healthy and most importantly I finally felt free and felt like ME!

In the first years of my practice as a reiki healer I didn’t ever charge a fee to my well established set of clientele at the time, I provided it free and unconditionally with my other services, and it was having a profound affect on those closest to me. I began and continued to develop my healing practice and worked tirelessly to attain the best results as any master sensei would. I spent years attuning the skills, learning the concepts and tuning in the energy to heal both myself and those around me.

Can you believe my amazement when I discover after 20 years of practice in clinic that this very art is possible to be learnt and developed ONLINE… and in the comfort of your own safe space!

Access this incredibly profound tool where you could not only heal yourself but also those closest learning to not only transform your own life but of those you touch… * Results may vary

Reiki in the way that I teach it is a spiritual practice and is non religious, so it will not impact on your faith, it’s intention is to enhance your life, your knowledge and abilities. If you are ready to also to also discover your path…

If you feel that you too have a part inside of you just waiting to be ignited by inviting and allowing universal life force energy into your life… this course is for YOU!

  • I will show you ~ HOW TO ~ Invite the healing energy into your life and use it with positive intension to HEAL.
  • I will show you ~ HOW TO ~ Balance and Cleanse your own energy systems.
  • I will show you ~ HOW TO ~ HEAL and treat yourself.
  • I will show you ~ HOW TO ~ Heal and treat the ones you LOVE Including your PETS.
  • I will show you ~ HOW TO ~ Transform and receive pleasure and happiness from being able to share your abilities.

It can all sound a bit crazy, I know I thought so too at one time, and yes woo woo to some, I have heard it all in the last 20 years of being a therapist but, you see, if you are reading this I do believe that this IS for YOU. I personally believe that there is nothing strange weird of woo woo about energy, we are surrounded by it and made up of it. to me quantum physics, metaphysics, and anything energy related are all demonstrations of the powers our magnificent universe holds… which always amazes me and I am open to it’s charge and positive influences… We notice its beauty, we recognise its magnitude its our earth but then occasionally we do question it also, we challenge what it has to offer sometimes believe it to be too good to be true, or woo woo, but I am here to help you to feel the difference, to help you believe, in the power of the universe, in its manifestations, believe in me and most importantly believe in yourself and treat yourself with this programme.

Let me help you to discover your true potential

Expand your current knowledge.. Find your true purpose… Or simply learn to treat yourself, literally saving yourself £$£

  • YOU CAN ~ Learn to Address issues and imbalances within your system that could be the cause for disease or illness.
  • YOU CAN ~ Learn to connect to the universal life force energy to directly heal yourself or those you love .. yes that even includes your pets!
  • YOU CAN ~ Learn to reduce and even completely eliminate stress and worry, embracing a new lifestyle allowing you to handle what life has to offer you or challenge you with.
  • YOU CAN ~ Learn to find peace clarity and purpose ~ Reiki is a deeply spiritual practice for many however it is non religious in the way that I teach this programme.
  • YOU CAN ~ Learn to balance your mind body and soul and with deep regular practice reach your and connect to your highest self.

Some well known and recognised benefits to Reiki are:

  • Improved focus.
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved lifestyle practices
  • Restoration of faith when other religions haven’t made the grade or convinced you they were meant for you….

YES this is a brand new programme … but just have a look at some of the comments from my beta testing…

” I am astonished how easily I remembered the information Sarah-Jane had taught, I didn’t even feel like I was learning…I was busy relaxing!”

“Since completing the course and beginning my attunement process I feel renewed and full of energy”

“I have now found my calling and spiritual path too and I will never look back! Thank you Sarah-Jane”

“I used to have terrible cramps in my lower body and sometimes even my arms.. These feelings would either keep me up or wake me up, since practicing I have been able to free myself and I now sleep all night long!”

“This changed my entire life”

Imagine your life with the ability to heal, simply begin now with my immediate no fuss programme, no need to wait anymore, like the old days…

Find your new reality. Purchase this course today!