I wrote this some time back, and just uncovered it. Ironically enough its sprung up when I now realise I was contemplating an unnecessary journey, whilst simultaneously wondering which part of me to work on next, should I not take the journey out and make the time to look after myself …So, I thought as it popped into my here and now id share it, see what you make of it along your road to where you are headed. `
Another life gone & passed today
In front of my eyes, without any say
Slower steadier than usual
I’d been travelling along my way
Hearing some songs id thought so unusual
Trying to uncover the message she says
Letting my cares drift away
As always, I noticed differences
Along the road ahead
Those thoughts and feelings, clear to me now
Things I have or hadn’t said
The chance I could return to my bed
How I’d already began to prepare for what I was about to learn up ahead
My journey, careful, strangely, previously all thought out
In my mind, I have no doubt
I was given a warning
Just somehow
To adapt, be ready, it’s your time to experience this now
And as I sat there
Calm and still
Watching as that fire filled
Every cell of the pure clean air
With death and deletion of someone once there
With no escape
Our eyes must have seen
The cruel realisation
Of life ending
I sit and I contemplate my fate
As simultaneously I felt something take
What this world once helped to create
Time lapse again
Since making that call
viewing through eyes of one and all
Watching our emergency services start
Knowing how close they are to my heart
Ash and remnants cover my merc
All around knowing god had already been and done his share of the work
I really did sit & contemplate life
Ironically enough before the damage
I’m often asked how do I manage
I guess it’s just another piece of the puzzle and my thoughts as I was travelling
Observing my role ‘as wife’
And despite that fight I witnessed before me
Fire so bright an image so clear to me
No stranger to fire or death it’s not news to me
But what does this part of my journey bring to me?
And as I sat there
Reality check
Here’s me, so caught up in god dam tech!
Today I take notice and heed how I slowed
From this I learn I have definitely grown
How loosely we say the word ‘explode’
Constant admission of survival mode
I realise witness truly admire I haven’t gone
I am very much here
Focused and clear
All of my faculties, responses switched on
With every facet and every layer
I learnt from the moment
I whispered that final prayer
I was with you my dear
Sadly, your journey had to end here
Stay safe out there along your journey which is life!..